Xamarin Forms Migration to Uno Platform: Effects and Alternative Approaches (Uno Platform Team).Microsoft.WindowsAppSDK version 02002 released (Windows App SDK Team).NET MAUI Blazor Hybrid (Rossitza Fakalieva) What to Know When Porting a WPF App to.Expanding horizons-Microsoft Security’s continued commitment to multicloud (Vasu Jakkal).Have I Been Pwned Domain Searches: The Big 5 Announcements! (Troy Hunt).Introducing Postman Assets Scaffolding to automatically build Postman assets (Postman Team).Migrating Netflix to GraphQL Safely (Jennifer Shin, Tejas Shikhare & Will Emmanuel).A guide to using ts-reset for TypeScript (Chibuike Nwachukwu).Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 172 (Jon Davis).

NET Minimal API Endpoint as the application layer (Tim Deschryver) Implementing Dapr State Management in ASP.NET Core Web APIs (Will Velida).Introducing Azure Native 2.0 (Monica Rodriguez).Version after version how the open source project Kubernetes releases its software (Leonard Pahlke).Http Services with Wolverine (Jeremy D.How To Build Server-Side Rendered (SSR) Svelte Apps With SvelteKit (Sriram Thiagarajan).Meet Codux: The React Visual Editor That Improves Developer Experience (Geoff Graham).Azure Communication Services Virtual Rooms is now Generally Available (Farrukh Ghaffar).Deploy your Blazor app to Azure now for free! (Dennis Fruhauff).